Fall Film Series
Banks Performance Project embarked on a series of fall and winter films curated and produced by Elysia C. Banks and filmed and edited by Michelle Reid. This series explores the unique perspectives and movement qualities of each of our dancers!
Simple Celebrations, performance by Elijah Guardiola, concept and choreography by Elysia C. Banks.
Commune, performance, concept, and choreography by Elysia C. Banks.
Inflict(ed) a performance, concept, and choreography by Natalie Dellutri.
For the one who stood in my way a performance, concept, and choreography by Kelly Anderson with choreographic assistance from Grant Hill.
Rinse, Repeat a performance, concept, and choreography by Dylan Roth.
Real Life a performance, concept, and choreography by Karielle Williams.
Silent Shifts a performance by Mariterese Altosino, concept and choreography by Elysia C. Banks.
mind the gap a performance, concept, and choreography by Grant Hill.
Autumn Leaves a performance, concept, and choreography by Ariel Dorsey.
Christmas Miracle a concept and performance starring Banks Lee Ros.